As promised, this post is a follow up to my previous post with the details of how we’ve implemented a batch-sequential architecture pattern for the redfish-codegen project.

Types that do work

The goal is to write code like this:

struct Hello;
impl Process<()> for Hello {
    type Output = String;
    fn process(self, input: ()) -> Self::Output {
        "Hello, world!".to_string()

fn print_message(input: String) {
    println!("{}", &input);


Here, we can construct a pipeline, and then execute it. We don’t care whether a stage consists of a free function or a type impl. The pipeline ensures, statically, that the input type of a stage is compatible with the output type of the previous stage. To achieve this, we start with the trait Process:

pub trait Process<Input> {
    type Output;
    fn process(self, input: Input) -> Self::Output;

This type represents a procedure that consumes self (is terminating) from an input value to an output. We can provide a blanket implementation for all FnOnce closures:

impl<F, In, Out> Process<In> for F
    F: FnOnce(In) -> Out,
    type Output = Out;
    fn process(self, input: In) -> Out {

Composing a Pipeline

The next trait is Stage, and we can use it to combine stages to form our pipeline:

pub trait Stage<P, In, Out>: private::Sealed {
    type Result<R>;
    fn stage<Q>(self, process: Q) -> Self::Result<Q>
        Q: Process<Out>;

Note that I’ve sealed this trait. Other areas of the code should not be implementing this trait. We’ll implement this on a type Pipeline. Here’s the definition of Pipeline, with some of the cruft removed:

pub struct Pipeline<Proc, PreviousStage> {
    pub(super) process: Proc,
    pub(super) previous: PreviousStage,

impl<P, S, Input, Output> Stage<P, Input, Output> for Pipeline<P, S>
    P: Process<Input, Output = Output>,
    type Result<R> = Pipeline<R, Self>;
    fn stage<Q>(self, process: Q) -> Self::Result<Q>
        Q: Process<Output>,
        Pipeline {
            previous: self,

All this does is compose a new Pipeline containing the previous Pipeline. You might refer to this type as telescoping, because its real type (as known to the compiler) contains the type of its sub-pipeline…

…which of course, contains the type of its sub-pipeline (recursively).

Executing a Pipeline

We know that we need a trait that can allow us to execute a stage, so let’s begin there:

trait RunStage {
    type Output;
    fn run_stage(self) -> Self::Output;

If Process is the category of types with a self-consuming function from an input to an output, RunStage is the category of types that can execute a Process and propagate its output value. I’ll leave this for now, and we’ll come back to it in a moment.

Executing a pipeline requires executing each sub-pipeline. Earlier, while showing the Stage trait, I left out one critical piece of information. What is the nature of the pipeline’s first stage? I’ve got a type called PipelineBuilder. The name of this type should conjure an accurate depiction of its actual qualities–it contains nothing interesting. Except, an implementation of Stage:

impl Stage<(), (), ()> for PipelineBuilder {
    type Result<R> = Pipeline<R, ()>;
    fn stage<Q>(self, process: Q) -> Self::Result<Q>
        Q: Process<()>,
        Pipeline {
            previous: (),

So with this, if there exists a function Pipeline::builder() which returns a PipelineBuilder, we can construct a Pipeline, given a process whose input is the unit type (), and whose previous stage is also the unit type. This is nice–it requires that the initial stage of a pipeline take no inputs.

What does this have to do with executing a pipeline, though? Since we know the “head” of the pipeline is always the unit type, we can use this as a kind of recursive “base case” and provide an impl for it:

impl RunStage for () {
    type Output = ();
    fn run_stage(self) -> Self::Output {

You might have noticed that the output of this impl is also the unit type, which happens to also be the input type of the next stage. Isn’t that beautiful? Finally, we can provide an implementation for Pipeline.

impl<P, R> RunStage for Pipeline<P, R>
    P: Process<<R as RunStage>::Output>,
    R: RunStage,
    type Output = P::Output;
    fn run_stage(self) -> Self::Output {
        let Self { process, previous } = self;

The one thing I’ve left out is the trait Execute, which can be implemented in terms of RunStage. It’s so simple that I don’t see any value to including it here. I’ll leave this and other details as an exercise to the reader, or you can go and look at the feature branch where I’ve implemented some of this stuff. Cheater!

With this, the redfish-codegen project should be in a good place to begin applying this pattern in future work.

Thanks for reading!